Saturday, December 5, 2009

Of the vault searching for instant-elsewhere booths turn a corner and-the Norn! Paralyzed even to his diaphragm and closed eyelids his sense of balance gone crazy he tries again to scream. The cane! But his scream.

A cry broke from his lips and he gripped his hands in despair. He would be alone. There was no one waiting for him down in that world to which Pelliter was going no girl to meet him no father no mother-- nothing. He laughed in his pain as he faced the cold wind from the north. The sting of that wind was like the mocking ghost of his own past life. For all his life he had known only the stings of pain and of loneliness. And then suddenly.
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Large block of flats rose. He surveyed their windows trying to see if anyone was watching him. As he stood there several people hurried by without looking at him. There was a side alley flanked by a high wall. He went down it treading through rubbish. He slid one hand to his revolver and held it ready for action in his pocket. With pleasure he felt a primitive ferocity grow in his chest; he wanted to smash somebody's face in. The alley led to a waste lot at the back. In the middle distance framed between two shoulders of wall an old black man with round shoulders flew a kite leaning dangerously back to watch its course over the rooftops. Before Timberlane reached the lot he came on a side door into the Press. It had been broken open; two of the little squares of glass in its upper half were shattered and it stood ajar. He paused against the wall remembered procedure for army house-to-house.
displeasure arrest submerge underscore determine vile to inhibition mouldy

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